
Naaaaa.. this aint no Shady records cut, just pulling out some things that need to be re worked,  but like I said it is for your reading pleasure or displeasure, what do ya want, I am home sick eating chicken soup pissed off my fantasy football team is stinking up the place…….would you rather have me rant or read some poetry and stuffbtw..Nyquil is like the greatest creation of mankind..really



Fingertips move

With the patience of a school teacher

So many dusted photos

afraid I may sneeze away a memory

If I had done this.

Had I done that

Would things be different?

Running through my mind’s closet

Your images rise and fall

Like a house of cards

Standing tall, then crashing

Against cranium walls.

If I could just latch on to

Just one….

But nostalgia is a wriggling fish in my oil-slicked hands.

I know I am a year wiser

But a lifetime too late.

Was I too much man?

When you needed boyish charm?

Too much boy when you needed

A manly arm?

So now, i sit among images and words you said were


I fling open rusted shutters

Of my partially furnished


And i lay naked

Wrapped in a sheet.

Reminisce” from Growing Bones with Daises©1999-2008 Yearby